Sunday, January 27, 2013

Story of an Hour

The Story of an Hour
Kate Chopin

Louise Mallard has had heart trouble in the past, so her sister Josephine, takes great lengths to tell her sister gently that her husband has died. However, Louise ends up dying from a heart attack from being so happy to find out that her husband was still alive. Ironic? I'd say so. The ending was also dramatic when Louise died of "joy that kills" (327/handout) the ending was abrupt and unexpected. The main character begins to feel a sense of freedom after learning her husband has died. I think this shows the bond that a wife and husband had during those days. A wife lived for her husband; they were not free to live for themselves. This is why Louise kept repeating, "'Free! Body and soul free!'"(327/handout). I think that this is different from today's society though. I think there are the married couples who continue to live for themselves, which is why they end up getting a divorce. But I think the couples that last are the ones where both the husband and the wife live for their spouse, not just the wife for the husband.

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