Wednesday, February 13, 2013


William Shakespeare

Where did Iago go wrong? "Villainy, villainy, villainy!" (V.ii.189) I mean he was an evil man; I don't think anyone can deny that. His plan appeared throughout the whole play to be working flawlessly. Every one seemed to fall under his trap. I never realized so many people are so gullible, or that someone could really be so manipulative. Cassio and Othello were never going to be able to figure it out, so how did they? Emilia was the one who was able to reveal part of the plan. However, was Emilia the "loose end"? I feel like it isn't that easy. I thought toward the end that Roderigo would be that area that Iago went wrong, and in a sense I guess his was because of the letters; however, would they have bothered to read the letters if they hadn't already discovered the first part of the lie? I still am confused on Iago's real intentions. I'm guessing he's just evil, but I don't know. So where or who was Iago's mistake?

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