Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Scene 5

The Glass Menagerie
Tennessee Williams

Wishing on the moon, Tom reveals that he has found a gentleman caller for Laura. However, there is a catch (there is always a catch), the caller does not know about Laura. Now that Amanda got her wish of a gentleman caller for Laura, she asks all of these questions to make sure this man is acceptable. Laura cannot have a man that drinks, because men that drink are no good. Well if she was really that concerned about it she would have found her own gentleman caller for Laura. Beggars cannot be choosers!

I noticed that Amanda says, "It simply means I'll have to work like a Turk" (1258). This is an allusion to The Hobbit, at least I believe it is. I thought this was a rather odd allusion; simply alluding to working well and very quickly. Amanda is very overwhelmed with the idea of this guest, but she is overwhelmed with excited emotions. Why would a mother get that excited for a gentleman caller for her daughter?

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